Development of Humanoid Robot for Indoor Applications


  • Dr. Prakash K R  Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Automation and Robotics, The National Institute of Engineering, Mysuru, Karnataka, India
  • Ms. Pratiksha Narake  Research Intern, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Automation and Robotics, The National Institute of Engineering, Mysuru, Karnataka, India
  • Mr. Guruprasad V  Research Intern, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Automation and Robotics, The National Institute of Engineering, Mysuru, Karnataka, India


Humanoid robot, TurtleBot, 3D printing, Arduino uno


Humanoid robots are similar to human beings in body structure, movement of joints and motion. Hence, they can perform activities which human beings are capable of doing. In order to replace human being in day-to-day activities one can build cost effective humanoid robot. The agenda of this project is to develop a mechanically well-designed humanoid robot and use this Humanoid to the medical application. Such that the Humanoid robot parts are 3D print technology as it is very economical and delivers strengthened and accurate parts. The completed humanoid looks like similar to the face of human and make eye, jaw and neck movements like human. It contains arms and wrists those work like similar to human as these parts of humanoid robot are controlled by Arduino UNO it acts as a main controller it sends signals to the actuator with reference to the code written in controller board. lower part of the humanoid can be fix on the TurtleBot. as the Turtlebot has the Autonomous Navigation feature so we can move the whole Humanoid robot according to our build map such that it can deliver the needed medication to the patient such that it has built in controlled arm movements.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Dr. Prakash K R, Ms. Pratiksha Narake, Mr. Guruprasad V, " Development of Humanoid Robot for Indoor Applications, IInternational Journal of Scientific Research in Mechanical and Materials Engineering(IJSRMME), ISSN : 2456-3307, Volume 4, Issue 7, pp.01-05, November-December-2020.