Analysis of XRD and EDS for the Aluminum Alloy7075/ 500nm Sic Metal Matrix Composites, the BHN Test Experimental Results Are Comparison by FE Simulation Tests
500nmSiC, AA7075, MMC’s Fabrication, BHN test with FEA by using ABAQUS software, XRD and EDS analysis.Abstract
The aluminum alloy is having one of the superior material properties which is used in different industrial sectors like aerospace, automobile and general engineering industries because of their favorable microstructure and mechanical behavior. Research shows that The Metal matrix composites of aluminum alloy reinforced with silicon carbide reinforcement have exhibited enhanced mechanical properties. In this work, Composites of aluminum alloy AA7075 reinforced with 500nm silicon carbide were fabricated by using popular method of stir casting techniques. Addition of Silicon carbide was made in weight percentage in the range of 0 to 8% respectively. Further XRD and EDS was conducted for the samples. Hardness test was carried out for the MMC specimens using Brinnel Hardness Testing Machine. Results showed improved hardness for the increased SiC content in the Specimens. FEM Analysis was carried out using axisymmetric method to obtain enhanced hardness values for the MMC’s, Both Experimental and FEM results were compared in this work.
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